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Prof. V.R. Shah, Manali Bhadra, Sagar Parmar


Project :

  • Structural understanding of natural forms and their relationship with Man-made forms. 

  • Understanding basic forces with reference to form 

  • Study of structures through models and testing them for given load. 

  • Process of Building a Building . 

  • Modern methods of Structural design 

  • Broad Categorization of Systems. 

  • Basic Requirements of Structure 

  • Basic states  of stress 

  • Loads on structure 


Exercise 1 

Play_ “Building a building” 

The focus for doing this play was making students aware of how building are construction , what is scope of architects , engineers and other agencies and also what are different stages of construction 


Exercise 2 

Basic requirements of a structure 

Different concepts and basic requirements of structure such as strength , stability , durability , serviceability , economy , functionality , sustainability and aesthetics were discuss and then understood  through model making exercise. 



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